We had the incredible opportunity to cater at both showings of our school’s Christmas Pantomime and help raise money for our team. It was certainly memorable and went amazingly, thanks to the massive group effort and planning, but there were some mishaps along the way…
Sunday 15th December 2024, it was opening night of Jack and the Beanstalk! As usual, we joined forces with our schools younger FTC team for the food making effort, we had a wide variety of options, from flapjacks to meringue trees to gingerbread cookies, we had it all! Alongside that we sold drinks: coffee, tea, hot chocolate and squash (in two flavours)!
We had all arrived with plenty of time to spare before doors opened so that we had enough time to prepare, on duty was Isaiah, Alessandro, Charles, Myself (Emma), and two girls from the younger group. People dropped off their goods at varying times, allowing us to work at a steady pace with placement and labelling allergens & prices. We were rushing around in search for gloves, our poster and all sorts, but everyone was in their places and prepared in time for doors opening.
We were serving before and after the show but mostly during intermission. Despite us being allowed to watch the performance while we weren’t working, we preferred not to, instead we chose to quietly chat as we prepared for the next bit. Unfortunately, coffee got spilt our poster as we worked but thankfully it wasn’t too damaged. However, this was greatly overshadowed by the incredible time we had serving, we got to chat with several parents and the time went by faster than we expected and soon enough we were all done and packing up.
Tuesday 17th December 2024, the second performance and closing night of our school’s pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk. Similar to the opening night, we all arrived prior to doors opening to allow ourselves time to set up, this was slightly less communicated so some of us turned up later than expected but it didn’t make a great difference as we were all ready in time to sell.
We had plenty of leftovers from Sunday but we had fresh stuff to put out as well thanks to our lovely team chefs, and we had extra squash and hot chocolate thanks to some incredible staff who went out of there way to replace them since we’d ran out. Serving on Tuesday was Emmy, Myself (Emma), Evie, Shaked, Alessandro (who was technically there to watch the pantomime, not work, but helped out anyway) and the same two girls from the younger group. Charles was also meant to be there but couldn’t make it, but it didn’t matter too much as we had more than enough help!
We served at the same times as the prior performance, except this time we chose to watch the pantomime on our off time. It was an incredible show, massive well done to the cast and crew, it was incredibly entertaining and a great break from the tiring catering. A couple of students from our school’s younger FTC team were performing in the performance so it was wonderful to watch and support them. Me and Evie designed and helped paint some of the sets as well so it was very cool to see them in action.
Finally, it all came to a close, we raised so much money and we all had a fabulous time. We had barely any leftovers by the end of it, and anything extra we did have we shared between us (which caused some unsavoury jelly shenanigans).
Overall, it was an incredible experience and a very successful day. In addition to our earning from our bake sale in November, these two days meant we’d raised over £70 more than what we planned to in the Autumn Term, setting us way ahead in terms of our financing plans for this season.