Our school is a seasoned FTC participant. We’ve accrued quite a bit of kit over the years, from our own purchases and also from our sister school’s now defunct Robotics team. We had way more than we needed, and organising all of it became a chore. When the opportunity arose to get rid of some of it and help out another school, we gladly took it. Ely College was looking to start a second robotics team however they didn’t have enough kit. We were glad to help and spent the two sessions packaging up our surplus supplies to form an almost complete kit.

We believe that robotics should be a collaborative endeavour, not an arms race: newcomers won’t feel welcome if the experienced teams are uncooperative and overly competitive. This is why we share our CAD designs under a Creative Commons License. This means anyone can use them (although attribution would be nice). We’ll try to document our design process on our blog but feel free to send us an email if you’re curious about anything!