This week, we had another brainstorming session, our second of this season. To allow ourselves to rework and review our ideas as needed, we simply organised our ideas into a sheet of paper, but it will be moved to a Word document in time.
Game plan
For the Autonomous period, we aim to preload a single sample, which we have dubbed “Soap”, into a basket, with an attempt to take possession of and deposit another if we can get sensors working in time. Additionally, we plan to park in the observation zone for some extra points.
During the Driver controlled, or Teleop period, we aim to score predominantly by placing samples in the high basket, moving back and forth between the submersible for the match. An alternate strategy if we are paired with a robot unable to lift samples is for that robot to feed our robot with samples, which we will then upgrade to specimens, then hang those. If our arm, or arms, break during this period, however, we will simply have to grab any stray samples and push them into the net zone.
Our endgame plan, however, is our least developed, and consists of attempting to hang on the high chamber. If not possible, we will either hang on the low chamber or park in the observation zone, whichever is possible at the time.