Wednesday 29th January 2025, this week’s session was less productive than previous weeks, taking on a calmer, chiller atmosphere as there were fewer of us in attendance this week. But that’s not to say we weren’t productive at all! We made progress for sure, just a tad slower.
(While, like usual we split off into our sub-teams, we did end up regrouping by the end of it as there wasn’t much progress to be made.)
Hardware and Assembly
In terms of assembly – most of the parts being prepared and tested out of session but being attached in the session. We also tested the functionality of certain parts – ensuring their quality and reliability. We also found that, by accidentally crashing the robot into a chair, that the position of the power switch left it vulnerable to being pressed and turned off unintentionally – which would be very bad in a game situation. We considered adding a cover but felt it was against the game rules so decided to either move it to face upwards or add extensions so it’s still exposed but not hit-able. We’ll decide on our course of action next session.
Outreach and Fundraising
Since this week our school’s younger team wasn’t around to discuss with there wasn’t much we could do in terms of our Valentine’s Day Bake Sale – and we haven’t got much to sort out in regards to it anyway. We did some brainstorming for our next sale, thinking about other outreach activities we should do as well (separate from our fundraising) but most of them didn’t felt very feasible.
Outside of Sessions
Our Valentine’s Day Bake Sale poster was put up onto our school’s online newsletter so that people know of it’s happening. Nathan also printed our rollers for the intake this week, so massive thank you to Nathan, it looks fantastic!